Friday, 6 September 2013

Festival of Quilts 2013

Better late than never, is my pictorial round-up of FoQ 2013!

I had a great day, saw lots of inspiring creations, bought some lovely items (pictures to follow!)
and didn't overspend!

The shopping is as much a part of the day as the viewing of everyones hard work!
There was quite a lot of Christmas fabric around, most if it garish and twee but the above range at Eternal Maker (I think!) was much nicer.

I enjoyed the Bramble Patch stand, I was tempted by this pattern but my littlest isn't in dresses much at the moment, she's not the most girly (yes, due to me!) and they're just not practical! 

Now I must confess a secret here, I don't like Kaffe Fassetts stuff much (heresy!) but we sat down for a rest while he was being interviewed and I found him really interesting, he's a good speaker and listening to his creative process/his passion for colour was really refreshing.
I also learnt how to pronounce his name, Kaafe, rather than Kaff!

Ok, so on to the quilt round usual lots of different styles, lots of different standards..enjoy..

Round Meadow
Elizabeth Brimelow 

Christmas Lights
Tatyana Duffie 

Red, White (and Blue)
Pauline Hughes

Doreen Plumridge

Little Stars
Jean Ball

Mourning Therapy
Barbara Abrahamian

She Knew the Names of Flowers
Vicki Stott


Decorative Spirals
Sheena Norquay

Sunshine and Shadow II
Anne Armes

Fibonacci Fandango
Jess Williams

A Blog
Irene MacWilliam 

Beach Thoughts
Stephanie Redfern

Inner Strength
Anne Armes

The Orchard
Jill Pargeter

Windows into the Chakras
Louise Stinson

Lisa Pugh

Every Text He Ever Sent Me
Lara Hailey

The 37 Year Quilt
Dee Gibbs & Jude

I Need Some Advice
Liz Hainsworth & Luke Franklin

Never Again
Alison Robins & Krista Withers

Sylvia Holmes 

Optics:Refraction's of Light
Southwick Sewing Sisters

Coastal Hedgerow
Michelle Holmes

The Periodic Table
Claire Wheat

Horse in Costume -Fabric Decoration
Chloe Redfern

The Mouse and The Cuckoo Clock
Sally Snushall

Any corrections that you spot, do let me know!

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