Quick reminder that Saturday brings the spring Vintage & Handmade Fair!
I shall be toodling down to Gloucestershire to see what pretties need to come home with me!
I've also had a lovely surprise this week as I am a competition winner!
The Sewing Directory ran a competition with Original Stitch to help them decide which of Original Stitch's projects to release as a pattern next. I chose their buggy seat, which is a great idea for changing/re-vamping the seat on your child's dolly buggy, the lovely thing about them is that they make their items out of vintage and recycled fabric. So I was lucky enough to be the winner and as my prize I get to have a handmade buggy seat and a copy of the pattern when released! This is absolutely fantastic as the one we have at the moment is very old and hanging off & is in blue colours which my youngest doesn't approve of as she's adamantly a pink girly girl at the moment!
I shall of course post photos when it's received. I found the competition via Twitter where you can follow both of these fab sites & people: @sewingdirectory & @OriginalStitch.