Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Roll on Saturday!

Quick reminder that Saturday brings the spring Vintage & Handmade Fair!
I shall be toodling down to Gloucestershire to see what pretties need to come home with me!

I've also had a lovely surprise this week as I am a competition winner!
The Sewing Directory ran a competition with Original Stitch to help them decide which of Original Stitch's projects to release as a pattern next.  I chose their buggy seat, which is a great idea for changing/re-vamping the seat on your child's dolly buggy, the lovely thing about them is that they make their items out of vintage and recycled fabric.  So I was lucky enough to be the winner and as my prize I get to have a handmade buggy seat and a copy of the pattern when released! This is absolutely fantastic as the one we have at the moment is very old and hanging off & is in blue colours which my youngest doesn't approve of as she's adamantly a pink girly girl at the moment!
   I shall of course post photos when it's received.  I found the competition via Twitter where you can follow both of these fab sites & people: @sewingdirectory & @OriginalStitch.

Monday, 4 April 2011


I think I have the best girls in the world! 
For Mothering Sunday they were so lovely, I got handmade presents and cards, told repeatedly I was the best mummy in the world and generally hugged at all times!
Before you have your first child you worry about how to be a good mum, will you do things right?Will you be as good as your own mum?  But the reality of being a mum is that you just do your best and without even trying it's the love in your heart that guides you to nurture the children you've been gifted.  The unconditional love that children give to you makes you aspire to be the best for them so that even when we get it wrong, when we're tired and grumpy, when we're not listening, they still think we're the 'best in the world' and every time I hear that, I try a little harder.

I think I do also have the best mum in the world as well and even though I can't shower her with gifts I know that's ok because (like me) we like the simple things,so I made her this card.

I hope if you were celebrating Mother's Day you had a lovely day too.
At the end of the day my eldest reminded me that I should thank her & sister if I'd had a lovely day!  I have at least taught her something!  And yes I did thank them, very much.

Saturday, 2 April 2011


the newest member of our family!
I've been waiting for the first scan and the relief was enormous, we're due to meet near the end of September and I can't wait (neither can the girls!), I feel so lucky.