Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Getting ready for Halloween
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Autumn days
I do love autumnal mornings, cold but sunny, a nip in the air, mist burning away, glove wearing weather, but the clear beautiful light makes a serene happy glow and the day can only get better.
It's also the time of year when you know to make the most of good weather days!
So after school was over for the morning, we headed off to 'The Forest'...
This is actually Harcourt Arboretum at Nuneham Courtenay near Oxford and it's well worth a visit, the kids can roam about, hide under bushes and collect leaves and fir cones etc.
Even though it's next to a major road, it's so tranquil and restful, just hearing all the birdsong today with the sunshine was a real pick-me-up. We had a nice picnic and even saw a butterfly, which has sadly become a rarity in our area.
Then it was time to head home when small legs were tired, but the fun didn't stop there as the kids then had a great time gluing all the treasures (pine needles, leaves etc) to make autumn pictures.
I realised how little crafty things I've done with my youngest, as she was well away, stayed at the activity much longer than her sister, I know that at nursery she was always reported as loving gluing, well now I know! Her mark making has also improved, more circular shapes now. I shall really have to make an effort to set out more craft activities that she can do too.
Homemade Christmas cards are definately on the agenda!
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
building up a stash
Ooo, I love charity shops!
They're my first port of call for building up my resources, fabric's (old bedding is great), wool, knitting needles, crochet hooks and craft books, are all to be found for the diligent rummager!
Which when you're short of funds for luxury items means you can still have fun! There's quite a good few in my town and I've also just found Orinoco - the scrapstore in Oxford, which has loads of crafty items which have been saved from landfill and a bag full of booty is only £2!
I got several balls of wool from here (all this odd bits of wool etc are excellant for practising with and no guilt about spending money on expensive new wool when the knitting/project turns out as a disaster!), one of them being an easy ball of double knitting in cerise so I'm knitting a beginner's hat at the moment - 'cat hat' pattern from the book that has taught me to knit - it's actually a childrens book, (Usborne - How to Knit) but it's nice and simple, good illustrations and tasteful easy projects to give confidence! (An mp3 cosy is next!)
I'l post photos soon, as always it lacks neatness, but I'm sure with practice I'll get better!
I've also started a stiched textiles course which I'll update about in ny next entry!
Oh and the bread making is going great guns, I haven't bought a loaf since!