My Canon compact has been on it's last legs for ages, the battery cover was held on with tape, it wasn't focusing properly, the SD card was stuck inside and it wasn't holding a charge for long!
So I've been waiting for Christmas & Birthday money to help fund a new compact, which then took ages to find one I thought I might like.
I wanted to be able to shop and actually hold/use a physical camera, but as it turns out, retailers only usually stock the cameras that are new, on special price or 'recommended'.
So after hours/days trawling Amazon for prices, reviews and technical spec's in the end I had a short list narrowed down by price! I was adamant it was to be a Nikon, as I've always been a Canon person and really wanted to try them out, it may not be an SLR but I wanted a camera that was small, reliable, fast and had the ability for me to override any auto settings.
In the end I went for a lovely red Nikon Coolpix S6700.
It's new and shiny and full of settings such as beach mode and image stabilisation but for the moment I'm happy to bumble along playing and it seems pretty good, sharp, good colours, metering, I can't wait to actually test it on the beach!
So, the first test was out on a stroll, would it be quick enough to snap away while trying to wrangle a toddler and a buggy on a walk?!
We had a lovely pootle into town via the swings and past the lovely old houses of West End, over the river and a stop at the library.
A simple day but one to remember.
I love all the colours of the front doors and the different styles, I really must put painting ours on my list to do, as it's a very boring white, a whole new front door with a window bigger than a postage stamp would be great, but hey, lets not get silly!
Witney blanket mill chimney in the distance.
Back home as usual via Cogges, past the Priory. We're so lucky to have all this on our doorstep.