What a fab day, there was so much to see, there were nearly 1,000 quilts on display, each different with lots of fabulous techniques and fabrics, my eyes were struggling to take it all in I had to leave the halls and have a cup of tea on two occasions so I could sit down and process what I'd seen! It truly was a visual feast for the eyes (and heart). I can't write how excited and inspired I am, I want to be able to create textile art, to use colour, technique and imagination to make a traditional quilt but then also to have an original wall hanging, with handstitching, machine stitching, layers of fabric and thread to create texture, the list is endless!
The only sticking point is that I came away not sure where to start! Not having these skills do I need a book, a pattern to start with or just try free-styling it?! I wish I had booked (that there has been space!) one of the classes to get me in there, give me a place to start, do I try piecing something traditional or see if I can do machine stitching on my machine?
What about fabric! One of the things I need to try/learn is putting colours/fabrics together and cheaply!!
I was naughty a little I did buy a few items, I'll take some piccies tomorrow but treated myself to two fat quarters of Amy Butler, which I intended to display on the the wall first before using! I also got some purple felt and brooch backs for the knitted corsage in progress...and some buttons!!! The stall's there were fabulous, a real wide range and was great to see fabric's in the flesh rather than over a computer screen. The Eternal Maker had some fabulous prints, I had to be very stern with myself! I will of course be filing away the web-sites of new shops for future use!!
So glad I went and I would definitely go again, I'd even buy a ticket next time! The one thing that I did notice is that the majority of people were well ladies and also a lot older than me! Is there an age-restriction on quilting that I'm not aware of?! Although looking at the time/detail you can put into creating, I'm guessing that it works better if you've packed the kids off and you're retired?!!